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Remove IPv4 addresses

API: Before you remove an IPv4 address, first make sure that it is unbound from a Virtual Machine. If that is the case, simply enter the uuid in the DELETE /network/ipv4/{uuid} API call and click on Execute.

Response of IPv4 address deletion

Portal: The remove IPv4 address feature is available on the β€œAll IPv4” page in the table. You can only remove an address if it is not attached to an Instance, learn how to unattach an address from a virtual machine here. For each IPv4, you can open the action menu on the right side of the table using the three-dot icon. You can see the screenshot below. This feature is also available on the IPv4 information page. If you want to perform this function on multiple addresses, see β€œBulk Operations”.

Screenshot 2025-02-26 at 11.14.06.png

IPv4s page

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